[정보]충격과 공포의 하프라이프오렌지박스 IGN리뷰


9.5 Presentation
A well put together collection on all accounts. Each of the new games even has achievements for PC players so you can get as obsessive as the 360 guys.

9.0 Graphics
Valve and source still have it. The overall visual appeal is quite strong with Ep 2 and the brilliant Team Fortress 2. Portal, HL2 and Ep 1 aren't quite as good but certainly not bad at all.

9.5 Sound
Sound across all categories and games is really excellent. Music, voice work, sound effects... Orange Box has it all.

9.5 Gameplay
With so many amazing games to choose from, how can you go wrong? Even the "worst" of the bunch is impressive.

9.5 Lasting Appeal
Around 30 hours of single player gaming (if you include HL2 and Ep 1, which we are) and countless hours in the highly addictive Team Fortress 2. See you in a year.

Incredible OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)  

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